Hike to Bell Lake

Bell Lake Hike Near Bozeman, Montana

Last weekend we went on a last minute, somewhat spontaneous hike to a remote high mountain lake about 45 minutes from Bozeman, MT where we live. (If you were to ask my husband, this trip was not spontaneous at all. Here’s what I mean – for me spontaneous means anything less than a 48 hour heads up. Yep, I am one of those people that likes everything planned out in advance and will have a nervous breakdown will be very displeased if we have to deviate from the plan. So when I got a text from the Mr. on Friday morning saying we are going on a 10 mile round trip hike for Saturday’s activity, I count that as last minute.)

Hike to High Mountain Lakes in Central Montana - Bell Lake, MT USA

Hike to High Mountain Lakes in Central Montana - Bell Lake, MT USA

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Hike to High Mountain Lakes in Central Montana - Bell Lake, MT USA

Hike to High Mountain Lakes in Central Montana - Bell Lake, MT USA

Hike to High Mountain Lakes in Central Montana - Bell Lake, MT USA

Hike to High Mountain Lakes in Central Montana - Bell Lake, MT USA

Hike to High Mountain Lakes in Central Montana - Bell Lake, MT USA

Hike to High Mountain Lakes in Central Montana - Bell Lake, MT USA

Hike to High Mountain Lakes in Central Montana - Bell Lake, MT USA

Hike to High Mountain Lakes in Central Montana - Bell Lake, MT USA

Hike to High Mountain Lakes in Central Montana - Bell Lake, MT USA

Hike to High Mountain Lakes in Central Montana - Bell Lake, MT USA

Hike to High Mountain Lakes in Central Montana - Bell Lake, MT USA

Hike to High Mountain Lakes in Central Montana - Bell Lake, MT USA

Anyway, the hike was SO much fun! After we drove deep into the Tobacco Root Mountains, we had a 5 mile hike to get to Bell Lake. I highly recommend this hike if you are in the area! The views were amazing and the entire trail is right along the river so there were a few waterfalls along the way.

This was our first major hike since moving to Montana and it was definitely one for the books! We can’t wait to do some more exploring. I am currently shopping around for some better hiking shoes since the ones I have are almost 10 years old! They have held up great but now that we have the hiking itch, I think I am due for an upgrade 😉

Oh I forgot to mention, Sage (our 3 year old Chesapeake Bay Retriever) was in absolute heaven. If you look close you can see her in most of the pictures above, having the best time ever! (I even caught her smiling in one 🙂 )

ig - that girl 2

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  1. Kathy Carpenter says:

    I want to do that hike!!! The photos are so beautiful…I can only imagine what it looks like in person!!!!!

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