How To Design A Room From Start To Finish, eBook

Your ultimate toolkit for styling your home like an interior designer!

how to design a room ebook

When you Buy How to Design a Room – The Ultimate Guide, you’ll get access to:

  • 30 pages of tangible design and decorating advice you can start using right now. This ultimate guide will help you through each step of the design process, from space planning to choosing the finishing touches that give the room a finished look.
  • Multiple step-by-step instructions (with screenshots!) that take away the intimidation of arranging furniture, choosing fabrics and paint colors that go well together, creating a mood board, and much more!
  • My exact strategy that walks you through everything I consider when decorating (or redecorating) a room.
    Two BONUSES with even more helpful tips and tools you can start using now, including where I find affordable decor pieces and my favorite resources I turn to when I’m in a design rut.

Ready to start designing like a pro?

Only $27!

A little about me…

room crush chelsea

I’m Chelsea. I’m an expert at creating a cozy space that brings me joy, a nerd when it comes to finding creative ways to style the home without spending a lot of money and my obsession is teaching others how to love the home they’re in (without breaking the budget). 

I love helping others learn to enjoy their home and make time for what matters. My goal is to encourage my readers to stop chasing perfection and learn the art of creating beauty out of the ordinary.

My goal in creating this guide is to help others love the process of designing a space. Follow along as I walk you through my entire process, step-by-step, so you can learn how to decorate and design with confidence!

This ebook is for you if…

  • You want to get started decorating but you have no clue where to begin, what to spend your money on, or where to start.
  • You kinda/sorta/maybe know what styles you like but you have no clue how to put it all together and have it actually look good.
  • You’re ready to roll up your sleeves and figure out this interior design thing once and for all, creating a space that you and your family will never want to leave.

This short, easy-to-follow guide walks you step-by-step through a very streamlined designing process, helping you to create a cohesive space from start to finish. 


This is a digital product that will be sent straight to your email inbox so you can get designing ASAP! No waiting around for something to arrive in the mail!

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